Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Ultraman: Towards The Future (Ultraman Great) Review

The Ultra kick returns somewhat with a show you probably weren't expecting. I mainly started watching this because well...it was short. They just refer to him as Ultraman in the show but I'm going to call him by his official name in the franchise for the sake of simplicity. Its a 13 episode show so this review might be a little brief. I don't have a clever line to start with so lets get to it.
Premise: Two astronauts surveying mars are attacked by the alien Gudis. A giant shows up to fight Gudis and the two try to flee. One is killed when Gudis blows up their ship and after seemingly defeating Gudis, the giant fuses with the survivor. However, Gudis' cells have fallen to Earth and thus begins the show proper.
Jack Shindo is smug...and weirdly its not the character's fault. The actor just kinda uses the exact same tone no matter whats happening and he always has this big ol' smirk on his face even when he should be scared or serious. The character is ok (though he just kinda reveals stuff to the team whenever they need a lead) and its interesting seeing him talk to Great in a few a episodes and asking him what he should do mostly because up until that point, the show kinda made me think Great was the one running the body, not simply being a part of Jack's mind.

UMA as a whole are fine and I was honestly a little surprised how active they were as a defense team. They're decent characters and their actors are fine. They're pretty capable as a team even if the show doesn't go into them much during its run. They just kinda do their jobs and that really all I was expecting from them. The team's scientist (Charles Morgan) kinda reminded of Ide from the original Ultraman, just without the dramatic moments. Charles is probably my favorite member of the team because the guy made chuckle a bit here and there. On top of that, he carried his personal episode pretty well.

Favorite Episode: I'm gonna have to go with episode 9 "The Biospherians". What can I say? I love stories about sentient plants trying to wipe out humanity. Its a trope I've always found interesting and the way the plants were capable of wiping out humanity was interesting on top of being kind of scary. Its the only potentially world ending threat in the show beyond Gudis and the monsters in the final two episode. Honestly, its better executed than those threats for me. Thats not to say the main threats of the show are bad, they're just a tad underwhelming for me. Unfortunately, the kaiju in this episode probably has the weakest design in the show. The episode also features a quickdraw fight with the kaiju complete with shotgun reloading sounds after Great's blasts and I honestly can't say I've seen that in Ultra before.

Effects and Action: The effects are iffy for the first 4 episodes. They don't look too bad but they're not too good either. After episode 5, the shows budget seems to have gotten bigger and the effects improve. I can't think of a single effect that stood out to me. The creature designs are fine but well, the kaiju themselves feel off. They don't feel like they're alive or exist in the world outside of the episodes they appear in. The kaiju feel more like props that are just there for Great to fight. The fight choreography isn't great either. A lot of it is just Great occasionally blocking and punching in-between laser blasts with the kaiju not moving much either. Once or twice he manages to follow up a punch with a point-blank blast and that was neat. The is an amusing scene in the final episode where Great swings a tower frame at the monster and the monster just catches it and proceeds to beat him with it. Its a small thing but it was a neat bit of set interaction.

Final Thoughts: I don't really have much to say for this. Great's japanese opening is leagues better than the english one. The show has an environmental message to it and its perfectly fine, its not heavy-handed. Its an ok show with two really good episodes and thats about all there is to it. If you're looking for a decent MOTW show thats also rather short, go for it but only if you're morbidly curious or really bored as I don't expect anyone to get much out of this show.

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